Source code for slixmpp.plugins.xep_0060.stanza.pubsub_owner

# Slixmpp: The Slick XMPP Library
# Copyright (C) 2011  Nathanael C. Fritz
# This file is part of Slixmpp.
# See the file LICENSE for copying permission.
from slixmpp import Iq
from slixmpp.xmlstream import register_stanza_plugin, ElementBase, ET, JID
from slixmpp.plugins.xep_0004 import Form
from slixmpp.plugins.xep_0060.stanza.base import OptionalSetting
from slixmpp.plugins.xep_0060.stanza.pubsub import Affiliations, Affiliation
from slixmpp.plugins.xep_0060.stanza.pubsub import Configure, Subscriptions

[docs] class PubsubOwner(ElementBase): namespace = '' name = 'pubsub' plugin_attrib = 'pubsub_owner' interfaces = set(tuple())
[docs] class DefaultConfig(ElementBase): namespace = '' name = 'default' plugin_attrib = name interfaces = {'node', 'config'} def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ElementBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_config(self): return self['form']
[docs] def set_config(self, value): del self['from'] self.append(value) return self
[docs] class OwnerAffiliations(Affiliations): namespace = '' interfaces = {'node'}
[docs] def append(self, affiliation): if not isinstance(affiliation, OwnerAffiliation): raise TypeError self.xml.append(affiliation.xml)
[docs] class OwnerAffiliation(Affiliation): namespace = '' interfaces = {'affiliation', 'jid'}
[docs] class OwnerConfigure(Configure): namespace = '' name = 'configure' plugin_attrib = name interfaces = {'node'}
[docs] class OwnerDefault(OwnerConfigure): namespace = '' interfaces = {'node'}
[docs] class OwnerDelete(ElementBase, OptionalSetting): namespace = '' name = 'delete' plugin_attrib = name interfaces = {'node'}
[docs] class OwnerPurge(ElementBase, OptionalSetting): namespace = '' name = 'purge' plugin_attrib = name interfaces = {'node'}
[docs] class OwnerRedirect(ElementBase): namespace = '' name = 'redirect' plugin_attrib = name interfaces = {'node', 'jid'}
[docs] def set_jid(self, value): self._set_attr('jid', str(value))
[docs] def get_jid(self): return JID(self._get_attr('jid'))
[docs] class OwnerSubscriptions(Subscriptions): name = 'subscriptions' namespace = '' plugin_attrib = name interfaces = {'node'}
[docs] def append(self, subscription): if not isinstance(subscription, OwnerSubscription): raise TypeError self.xml.append(subscription.xml)
[docs] class OwnerSubscription(ElementBase): namespace = '' name = 'subscription' plugin_attrib = name interfaces = {'jid', 'subscription'}
[docs] def set_jid(self, value): self._set_attr('jid', str(value))
[docs] def get_jid(self): return JID(self._get_attr('jid'))
register_stanza_plugin(Iq, PubsubOwner) register_stanza_plugin(PubsubOwner, DefaultConfig) register_stanza_plugin(PubsubOwner, OwnerAffiliations) register_stanza_plugin(PubsubOwner, OwnerConfigure) register_stanza_plugin(PubsubOwner, OwnerDefault) register_stanza_plugin(PubsubOwner, OwnerDelete) register_stanza_plugin(PubsubOwner, OwnerPurge) register_stanza_plugin(PubsubOwner, OwnerSubscriptions) register_stanza_plugin(DefaultConfig, Form) register_stanza_plugin(OwnerAffiliations, OwnerAffiliation, iterable=True) register_stanza_plugin(OwnerConfigure, Form) register_stanza_plugin(OwnerDefault, Form) register_stanza_plugin(OwnerDelete, OwnerRedirect) register_stanza_plugin(OwnerSubscriptions, OwnerSubscription, iterable=True)