IQ Stanza

class slixmpp.stanza.Iq(*args, recv=False, **kwargs)[source]

XMPP <iq> stanzas, or info/query stanzas, are XMPP’s method of requesting and modifying information, similar to HTTP’s GET and POST methods.

Each <iq> stanza must have an ‘id’ value which associates the stanza with the response stanza. XMPP entities must always be given a response <iq> stanza with a type of ‘result’ after sending a stanza of type ‘get’ or ‘set’.

Most uses cases for <iq> stanzas will involve adding a <query> element whose namespace indicates the type of information desired. However, some custom XMPP applications use <iq> stanzas as a carrier stanza for an application-specific protocol instead.

Example <iq> Stanzas:

<iq to="" type="get" id="314">
  <query xmlns="" />

<iq to="user@localhost" type="result" id="17">
  <query xmlns='jabber:iq:roster'>
    <item jid=''
          name='John Doe'
Stanza Interface:
  • query: The namespace of the <query> element if one exists.

  • types: May be one of: get, set, result, or error.


Remove the <query> element.


Return the namespace of the <query> element.

Return type:


interfaces: ClassVar[Set[str]] = {'from', 'id', 'query', 'to', 'type'}

The set of keys that the stanza provides for accessing and manipulating the underlying XML object. This set may be augmented with the plugin_attrib value of any registered stanza plugins.

name: ClassVar[str] = 'iq'

The XML tag name of the element, not including any namespace prefixes. For example, an ElementBase object for <message /> would use name = 'message'.

namespace: str = 'jabber:client'

The default XMPP client namespace

plugin_attrib: ClassVar[str] = 'iq'

For ElementBase subclasses which are intended to be used as plugins, the plugin_attrib value defines the plugin name. Plugins may be accessed by using the plugin_attrib value as the interface. An example using plugin_attrib = 'foo':

register_stanza_plugin(Message, FooPlugin)
msg = Message()
plugin_attrib_map: ClassVar[Dict[str, Type[ElementBase]]] = {'error': <class 'slixmpp.stanza.error.Error'>, 'pubsub': <class 'slixmpp.plugins.xep_0060.stanza.pubsub.Pubsub'>, 'pubsub_owner': <class 'slixmpp.plugins.xep_0060.stanza.pubsub_owner.PubsubOwner'>, 'roster': <class 'slixmpp.stanza.roster.Roster'>, 'vcard': <class 'slixmpp.plugins.xep_0292.stanza.VCard4'>}

A mapping of the plugin_attrib values of registered plugins to their respective classes.

plugin_iterables: ClassVar[Set[Type[ElementBase]]] = {}

The set of stanza classes that can be iterated over using the ‘substanzas’ interface. Classes are added to this set when registering a plugin with iterable=True:

register_stanza_plugin(DiscoInfo, DiscoItem, iterable=True)

Added in version 1.0-Beta5.

plugin_overrides: ClassVar[Dict[str, str]] = {}

A map of interface operations to the overriding functions. For example, after overriding the set operation for the interface body, plugin_overrides would be:

{'set_body': <some function>}
plugin_tag_map: ClassVar[Dict[str, Type[ElementBase]]] = {'{}pubsub': <class 'slixmpp.plugins.xep_0060.stanza.pubsub_owner.PubsubOwner'>, '{}pubsub': <class 'slixmpp.plugins.xep_0060.stanza.pubsub.Pubsub'>, '{jabber:client}error': <class 'slixmpp.stanza.error.Error'>, '{jabber:iq:roster}query': <class 'slixmpp.stanza.roster.Roster'>, '{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:vcard-4.0}vcard': <class 'slixmpp.plugins.xep_0292.stanza.VCard4'>}

A mapping of root element tag names (in '{namespace}elementname' format) to the plugin classes responsible for them.


Create a new <iq> stanza replying to self.

Overrides StanzaBase.reply

Sets the ‘type’ to ‘result’ in addition to the default StanzaBase.reply behavior.


clear (bool) – Indicates if existing content should be removed before replying. Defaults to True.

send(callback=None, timeout=None, timeout_callback=None)[source]

Send an <iq> stanza over the XML stream.

A callback handler can be provided that will be executed when the Iq stanza’s result reply is received.

Returns a future which result will be set to the result Iq if it is of type ‘get’ or ‘set’ (when it is received), or a future with the result set to None if it has another type.

Overrides StanzaBase.send

  • callback (function) – Optional reference to a stream handler function. Will be executed when a reply stanza is received.

  • timeout (int) – The length of time (in seconds) to wait for a response before the timeout_callback is called, instead of the regular callback

  • timeout_callback (function) – Optional reference to a stream handler function. Will be executed when the timeout expires before a response has been received for the originally-sent IQ stanza.

Return type:



Set the XML contents of the <iq> stanza.


value (list or XML object) – An XML object or a list of XML objects to use as the <iq> stanza’s contents


Add or modify a <query> element.

Query elements are differentiated by their namespace.


value (str) – The namespace of the <query> element.


Send a feature-not-implemented error if the stanza is not handled.

Overrides StanzaBase.unhandled.