Source code for slixmpp.componentxmpp

# slixmpp.clientxmpp
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# This module provides XMPP functionality that
# is specific to external server component connections.
# Part of Slixmpp: The Slick XMPP Library
# :copyright: (c) 2011 Nathanael C. Fritz
# :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details
import logging
import hashlib

from typing import Optional

from slixmpp import Message, Iq, Presence
from slixmpp.basexmpp import BaseXMPP
from slixmpp.stanza import Handshake
from slixmpp.stanza.error import Error
from slixmpp.xmlstream import XMLStream
from slixmpp.xmlstream.matcher import MatchXPath
from slixmpp.xmlstream.handler import Callback
from slixmpp.xmlstream.stanzabase import register_stanza_plugin

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ComponentXMPP(BaseXMPP): """ Slixmpp's basic XMPP server component. Use only for good, not for evil. :param jid: The JID of the component. :param secret: The secret or password for the component. :param host: The server accepting the component. :param port: The port used to connect to the server. :param plugin_config: A dictionary of plugin configurations. :param plugin_whitelist: A list of approved plugins that will be loaded when calling :meth:`~slixmpp.basexmpp.BaseXMPP.register_plugins()`. :param use_jc_ns: Indicates if the ``'jabber:client'`` namespace should be used instead of the standard ``'jabber:component:accept'`` namespace. Defaults to ``False``. :param fix_error_ns: Fix the namespace of error stanzas. If you use ``use_jc_ns`` namespace, you probably want that, but it can be a problem if you use both a ClientXMPP and a ComponentXMPP in the same interpreter. This is ``False`` by default for backwards compatibility. """ def __init__(self, jid, secret, host=None, port=None, plugin_config=None, plugin_whitelist=None, use_jc_ns=False, fix_error_ns=False): if not plugin_whitelist: plugin_whitelist = [] if not plugin_config: plugin_config = {} if use_jc_ns: default_ns = 'jabber:client' else: default_ns = 'jabber:component:accept' BaseXMPP.__init__(self, jid, default_ns) if fix_error_ns: self._fix_error_ns() self.auto_authorize = None self.stream_header = '<stream:stream %s %s to="%s">' % ( 'xmlns="jabber:component:accept"', 'xmlns:stream="%s"' % self.stream_ns, jid) self.stream_footer = "</stream:stream>" self.server_host = host self.server_port = port self.secret = secret self.plugin_config = plugin_config self.plugin_whitelist = plugin_whitelist self.is_component = True self.sessionstarted = False self.register_handler( Callback('Handshake', MatchXPath('{jabber:component:accept}handshake'), self._handle_handshake)) self.add_event_handler('presence_probe', self._handle_probe) def _fix_error_ns(self): Error.namespace = self.default_ns for st in Message, Iq, Presence: register_stanza_plugin(st, Error)
[docs] def connect(self, host: Optional[str] = None, port: int = 0, use_ssl: Optional[bool] = None, force_starttls: Optional[bool] = None, disable_starttls: Optional[bool] = None) -> None: """Connect to the server. :param host: The name of the desired server for the connection. Defaults to :attr:`server_host`. :param port: Port to connect to on the server. Defauts to :attr:`server_port`. :param use_ssl: Flag indicating if SSL should be used by connecting directly to a port using SSL. :param force_starttls: UNUSED :param disable_starttls: UNUSED """ if host is not None: self.server_host = host if port: self.server_port = port self.server_name = log.debug("Connecting to %s:%s", host, port) XMLStream.connect(self, host=self.server_host, port=self.server_port, use_ssl=use_ssl)
[docs] def incoming_filter(self, xml): """ Pre-process incoming XML stanzas by converting any ``'jabber:client'`` namespaced elements to the component's default namespace. :param xml: The XML stanza to pre-process. """ if xml.tag.startswith('{jabber:client}'): xml.tag = xml.tag.replace('jabber:client', self.default_ns) return xml
[docs] def start_stream_handler(self, xml): """ Once the streams are established, attempt to handshake with the server to be accepted as a component. :param xml: The incoming stream's root element. """ BaseXMPP.start_stream_handler(self, xml) # Construct a hash of the stream ID and the component secret. sid = xml.get('id', '') pre_hash = bytes('%s%s' % (sid, self.secret), 'utf-8') handshake = Handshake() handshake['value'] = hashlib.sha1(pre_hash).hexdigest().lower() self.send(handshake)
def _handle_handshake(self, xml): """The handshake has been accepted. :param xml: The reply handshake stanza. """ self.session_bind_event.set() self.sessionstarted = True self.event('session_bind', self.boundjid) self.event('session_start') def _handle_probe(self, pres): self.roster[pres['to']][pres['from']].handle_probe(pres)