XEP 0184

1.7 Documentation

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XEP 0184

class slixmpp.plugins.xep_0184.XEP_0184(xmpp, config=None)[source]

XEP-0184: Message Delivery Receipts


Acknowledge a message by sending a receipt.


msg – The message to acknowledge.

stanza = <module 'slixmpp.plugins.xep_0184.stanza' from '/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/slixmpp/checkouts/slix-1.7.1/slixmpp/plugins/xep_0184/stanza.py'>

Stanza elements

Slixmpp: The Slick XMPP Library Copyright (C) 2012 Erik Reuterborg Larsson, Nathanael C. Fritz This file is part of Slixmpp.

See the file LICENSE for copying permission.

class slixmpp.plugins.xep_0184.stanza.Received(xml=None, parent=None)[source]
interfaces = {'receipt'}

The set of keys that the stanza provides for accessing and manipulating the underlying XML object. This set may be augmented with the plugin_attrib value of any registered stanza plugins.

is_extension = True

If you need to add a new interface to an existing stanza, you can create a plugin and set is_extension = True. Be sure to set the plugin_attrib value to the desired interface name, and that it is the only interface listed in interfaces. Requests for the new interface from the parent stanza will be passed to the plugin directly.

New in version 1.0-Beta5.

name = 'received'

The XML tag name of the element, not including any namespace prefixes. For example, an ElementBase object for <message /> would use name = 'message'.

namespace = 'urn:xmpp:receipts'

The XML namespace for the element. Given <foo xmlns="bar" />, then namespace = "bar" should be used. The default namespace is jabber:client since this is being used in an XMPP library.

plugin_attrib = 'receipt'

For ElementBase subclasses which are intended to be used as plugins, the plugin_attrib value defines the plugin name. Plugins may be accessed by using the plugin_attrib value as the interface. An example using plugin_attrib = 'foo':

register_stanza_plugin(Message, FooPlugin)
msg = Message()

Initialize the stanza’s XML contents.

Will return True if XML was generated according to the stanza’s definition instead of building a stanza object from an existing XML object.


xml – An existing XML object to use for the stanza’s content instead of generating new XML.

sub_interfaces = {'receipt'}

A subset of interfaces which maps interfaces to direct subelements of the underlying XML object. Using this set, the text of these subelements may be set, retrieved, or removed without needing to define custom methods.

class slixmpp.plugins.xep_0184.stanza.Request(xml=None, parent=None)[source]
interfaces = {'request_receipt'}

The set of keys that the stanza provides for accessing and manipulating the underlying XML object. This set may be augmented with the plugin_attrib value of any registered stanza plugins.

is_extension = True

If you need to add a new interface to an existing stanza, you can create a plugin and set is_extension = True. Be sure to set the plugin_attrib value to the desired interface name, and that it is the only interface listed in interfaces. Requests for the new interface from the parent stanza will be passed to the plugin directly.

New in version 1.0-Beta5.

name = 'request'

The XML tag name of the element, not including any namespace prefixes. For example, an ElementBase object for <message /> would use name = 'message'.

namespace = 'urn:xmpp:receipts'

The XML namespace for the element. Given <foo xmlns="bar" />, then namespace = "bar" should be used. The default namespace is jabber:client since this is being used in an XMPP library.

plugin_attrib = 'request_receipt'

For ElementBase subclasses which are intended to be used as plugins, the plugin_attrib value defines the plugin name. Plugins may be accessed by using the plugin_attrib value as the interface. An example using plugin_attrib = 'foo':

register_stanza_plugin(Message, FooPlugin)
msg = Message()

Initialize the stanza’s XML contents.

Will return True if XML was generated according to the stanza’s definition instead of building a stanza object from an existing XML object.


xml – An existing XML object to use for the stanza’s content instead of generating new XML.

sub_interfaces = {'request_receipt'}

A subset of interfaces which maps interfaces to direct subelements of the underlying XML object. Using this set, the text of these subelements may be set, retrieved, or removed without needing to define custom methods.

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