
1.7 Documentation


Source code for slixmpp.jid

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    This module allows for working with Jabber IDs (JIDs).

    Part of Slixmpp: The Slick XMPP Library

    :copyright: (c) 2011 Nathanael C. Fritz
    :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details

import re
import socket

from copy import deepcopy
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Optional

from slixmpp.stringprep import nodeprep, resourceprep, idna, StringprepError

HAVE_INET_PTON = hasattr(socket, 'inet_pton')

#: The basic regex pattern that a JID must match in order to determine
#: the local, domain, and resource parts. This regex does NOT do any
#: validation, which requires application of nodeprep, resourceprep, etc.
JID_PATTERN = re.compile(

#: The set of escape sequences for the characters not allowed by nodeprep.
JID_ESCAPE_SEQUENCES = {'\\20', '\\22', '\\26', '\\27', '\\2f',
                        '\\3a', '\\3c', '\\3e', '\\40', '\\5c'}

#: The reverse mapping of escape sequences to their original forms.
                                '\\22': '"',
                                '\\26': '&',
                                '\\27': "'",
                                '\\2f': '/',
                                '\\3a': ':',
                                '\\3c': '<',
                                '\\3e': '>',
                                '\\40': '@',
                                '\\5c': '\\'}

# TODO: Find the best cache size for a standard usage.
def _parse_jid(data):
    Parse string data into the node, domain, and resource
    components of a JID, if possible.

    :param string data: A string that is potentially a JID.

    :raises InvalidJID:

    :returns: tuple of the validated local, domain, and resource strings
    match = JID_PATTERN.match(data)
    if not match:
        raise InvalidJID('JID could not be parsed')

    (node, domain, resource) = match.groups()

    node = _validate_node(node)
    domain = _validate_domain(domain)
    resource = _validate_resource(resource)

    return node, domain, resource

def _validate_node(node: Optional[str]):
    """Validate the local, or username, portion of a JID.

    :raises InvalidJID:

    :returns: The local portion of a JID, as validated by nodeprep.
    if node is None:
        return ''

        node = nodeprep(node)
    except StringprepError:
        raise InvalidJID('Nodeprep failed')

    if not node:
        raise InvalidJID('Localpart must not be 0 bytes')
    if len(node) > 1023:
        raise InvalidJID('Localpart must be less than 1024 bytes')
    return node

def _validate_domain(domain: str):
    """Validate the domain portion of a JID.

    IP literal addresses are left as-is, if valid. Domain names
    are stripped of any trailing label separators (`.`), and are
    checked with the nameprep profile of stringprep. If the given
    domain is actually a punyencoded version of a domain name, it
    is converted back into its original Unicode form. Domains must
    also not start or end with a dash (`-`).

    :raises InvalidJID:

    :returns: The validated domain name
    ip_addr = False

    # First, check if this is an IPv4 address
        ip_addr = True
    except socket.error:

    # Check if this is an IPv6 address
    if not ip_addr and HAVE_INET_PTON and domain[0] == '[' and domain[-1] == ']':
            ip = domain[1:-1]
            socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, ip)
            ip_addr = True
        except (socket.error, ValueError):

    if not ip_addr:
        # This is a domain name, which must be checked further

        if domain and domain[-1] == '.':
            domain = domain[:-1]

            domain = idna(domain)
        except StringprepError:
            raise InvalidJID('idna validation failed')

        if ':' in domain:
            raise InvalidJID('Domain containing a port')
        for label in domain.split('.'):
            if not label:
                raise InvalidJID('Domain containing too many dots')
            if '-' in (label[0], label[-1]):
                raise InvalidJID('Domain started or ended with -')

    if not domain:
        raise InvalidJID('Domain must not be 0 bytes')
    if len(domain) > 1023:
        raise InvalidJID('Domain must be less than 1024 bytes')

    return domain

def _validate_resource(resource: Optional[str]):
    """Validate the resource portion of a JID.

    :raises InvalidJID:

    :returns: The local portion of a JID, as validated by resourceprep.
    if resource is None:
        return ''

        resource = resourceprep(resource)
    except StringprepError:
        raise InvalidJID('Resourceprep failed')

    if not resource:
        raise InvalidJID('Resource must not be 0 bytes')
    if len(resource) > 1023:
        raise InvalidJID('Resource must be less than 1024 bytes')
    return resource

def _unescape_node(node: str):
    """Unescape a local portion of a JID.

    .. note::
        The unescaped local portion is meant ONLY for presentation,
        and should not be used for other purposes.
    unescaped = []
    seq = ''
    for i, char in enumerate(node):
        if char == '\\':
            seq = node[i:i+3]
            if seq not in JID_ESCAPE_SEQUENCES:
                seq = ''
        if seq:
            if len(seq) == 3:
                unescaped.append(JID_UNESCAPE_TRANSFORMATIONS.get(seq, char))

            # Pop character off the escape sequence, and ignore it
            seq = seq[1:]
    return ''.join(unescaped)

def _format_jid(
        local: Optional[str] = None,
        domain: Optional[str] = None,
        resource: Optional[str] = None,
    """Format the given JID components into a full or bare JID.

    :param string local: Optional. The local portion of the JID.
    :param string domain: Required. The domain name portion of the JID.
    :param strin resource: Optional. The resource portion of the JID.

    :return: A full or bare JID string.
    if domain is None:
        return ''
    if local is not None:
        result = local + '@' + domain
        result = domain
    if resource is not None:
        result += '/' + resource
    return result

class InvalidJID(ValueError):
    Raised when attempting to create a JID that does not pass validation.

    It can also be raised if modifying an existing JID in such a way as
    to make it invalid, such trying to remove the domain from an existing
    full JID while the local and resource portions still exist.

# pylint: disable=R0903
class UnescapedJID:

    .. versionadded:: 1.1.10

    __slots__ = ('_node', '_domain', '_resource')

    def __init__(
            node: Optional[str],
            domain: Optional[str],
            resource: Optional[str],
        self._node = node
        self._domain = domain
        self._resource = resource

    def __getattribute__(self, name: str):
        """Retrieve the given JID component.

        :param name: one of: user, server, domain, resource,
                     full, or bare.
        if name == 'resource':
            return self._resource or ''
        if name in ('user', 'username', 'local', 'node'):
            return self._node or ''
        if name in ('server', 'domain', 'host'):
            return self._domain or ''
        if name in ('full', 'jid'):
            return _format_jid(self._node, self._domain, self._resource)
        if name == 'bare':
            return _format_jid(self._node, self._domain)
        return object.__getattribute__(self, name)

    def __str__(self):
        """Use the full JID as the string value."""
        return _format_jid(self._node, self._domain, self._resource)

    def __repr__(self):
        """Use the full JID as the representation."""
        return _format_jid(self._node, self._domain, self._resource)

[docs]class JID: """ A representation of a Jabber ID, or JID. Each JID may have three components: a user, a domain, and an optional resource. For example: user@domain/resource When a resource is not used, the JID is called a bare JID. The JID is a full JID otherwise. **JID Properties:** :full: The string value of the full JID. :jid: Alias for ``full``. :bare: The string value of the bare JID. :node: The node portion of the JID. :user: Alias for ``node``. :local: Alias for ``node``. :username: Alias for ``node``. :domain: The domain name portion of the JID. :server: Alias for ``domain``. :host: Alias for ``domain``. :resource: The resource portion of the JID. :param string jid: A string of the form ``'[user@]domain[/resource]'``. :raises InvalidJID: """ __slots__ = ('_node', '_domain', '_resource', '_bare', '_full') def __init__(self, jid: Optional[str] = None): if not jid: self._node = '' self._domain = '' self._resource = '' self._bare = '' self._full = '' return elif not isinstance(jid, JID): self._node, self._domain, self._resource = _parse_jid(jid) else: self._node = jid._node self._domain = jid._domain self._resource = jid._resource self._update_bare_full()
[docs] def unescape(self): """Return an unescaped JID object. Using an unescaped JID is preferred for displaying JIDs to humans, and they should NOT be used for any other purposes than for presentation. :return: :class:`UnescapedJID` .. versionadded:: 1.1.10 """ return UnescapedJID(_unescape_node(self._node), self._domain, self._resource)
def _update_bare_full(self): """Format the given JID into a bare and a full JID. """ self._bare = (self._node + '@' + self._domain if self._node else self._domain) self._full = (self._bare + '/' + self._resource if self._resource else self._bare) @property def node(self): return self._node @property def domain(self): return self._domain @property def resource(self): return self._resource @property def bare(self): return self._bare @property def full(self): return self._full @node.setter def node(self, value: str): self._node = _validate_node(value) self._update_bare_full() @domain.setter def domain(self, value: str): self._domain = _validate_domain(value) self._update_bare_full() @bare.setter def bare(self, value: str): node, domain, resource = _parse_jid(value) assert not resource self._node = node self._domain = domain self._update_bare_full() @resource.setter def resource(self, value: str): self._resource = _validate_resource(value) self._update_bare_full() @full.setter def full(self, value: str): self._node, self._domain, self._resource = _parse_jid(value) self._update_bare_full() user = node local = node username = node server = domain host = domain jid = full def __str__(self): """Use the full JID as the string value.""" return self._full def __repr__(self): """Use the full JID as the representation.""" return self._full # pylint: disable=W0212 def __eq__(self, other): """Two JIDs are equal if they have the same full JID value.""" if isinstance(other, UnescapedJID): return False if not isinstance(other, JID): try: other = JID(other) except InvalidJID: return NotImplemented return (self._node == other._node and self._domain == other._domain and self._resource == other._resource) def __ne__(self, other): """Two JIDs are considered unequal if they are not equal.""" return not self == other def __hash__(self): """Hash a JID based on the string version of its full JID.""" return hash(self._full)
