XEP 0080

1.6 Documentation

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XEP 0080

class slixmpp.plugins.xep_0080.XEP_0080(xmpp, config=None)[source]

XEP-0080: User Location


Publish the user’s current location.

  • accuracy – Horizontal GPS error in meters.

  • alt – Altitude in meters above or below sea level.

  • area – A named area such as a campus or neighborhood.

  • bearing – GPS bearing (direction in which the entity is heading to reach its next waypoint), measured in decimal degrees relative to true north.

  • building – A specific building on a street or in an area.

  • country – The nation where the user is located.

  • countrycode – The ISO 3166 two-letter country code.

  • datum – GPS datum.

  • description – A natural-language name for or description of the location.

  • error – Horizontal GPS error in arc minutes. Obsoleted by the accuracy parameter.

  • floor – A particular floor in a building.

  • lat – Latitude in decimal degrees North.

  • locality – A locality within the administrative region, such as a town or city.

  • lon – Longitude in decimal degrees East.

  • postalcode – A code used for postal delivery.

  • region – An administrative region of the nation, such as a state or province.

  • room – A particular room in a building.

  • speed – The speed at which the entity is moving, in meters per second.

  • street – A thoroughfare within the locality, or a crossing of two thoroughfares.

  • text – A catch-all element that captures any other information about the location.

  • timestamp – UTC timestamp specifying the moment when the reading was taken.

  • uri – A URI or URL pointing to information about the location.

  • options – Optional form of publish options.

stanza = <module 'slixmpp.plugins.xep_0080.stanza' from '/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/slixmpp/checkouts/slix-1.6.0/slixmpp/plugins/xep_0080/stanza.py'>
stop(ifrom=None, callback=None, timeout=None, timeout_callback=None)[source]

Clear existing user location information to stop notifications.

Stanza elements

Slixmpp: The Slick XMPP Library Copyright (C) 2010 Nathanael C. Fritz This file is part of Slixmpp.

See the file LICENSE for copying permission.

class slixmpp.plugins.xep_0080.stanza.Geoloc(xml=None, parent=None)[source]

XMPP’s <geoloc> stanza allows entities to know the current geographical or physical location of an entity. (XEP-0080: User Location)

Example <geoloc> stanzas:

<geoloc xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/geoloc'/>

<geoloc xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/geoloc' xml:lang='en'>

Stanza Interface:

accuracy    -- Horizontal GPS error in meters.
alt         -- Altitude in meters above or below sea level.
area        -- A named area such as a campus or neighborhood.
bearing     -- GPS bearing (direction in which the entity is
               heading to reach its next waypoint), measured in
               decimal degrees relative to true north.
building    -- A specific building on a street or in an area.
country     -- The nation where the user is located.
countrycode -- The ISO 3166 two-letter country code.
datum       -- GPS datum.
description -- A natural-language name for or description of
               the location.
error       -- Horizontal GPS error in arc minutes. Obsoleted by
               the accuracy parameter.
floor       -- A particular floor in a building.
lat         -- Latitude in decimal degrees North.
locality    -- A locality within the administrative region, such
               as a town or city.
lon         -- Longitude in decimal degrees East.
postalcode  -- A code used for postal delivery.
region      -- An administrative region of the nation, such
               as a state or province.
room        -- A particular room in a building.
speed       -- The speed at which the entity is moving,
               in meters per second.
street      -- A thoroughfare within the locality, or a crossing
               of two thoroughfares.
text        -- A catch-all element that captures any other
               information about the location.
timestamp   -- UTC timestamp specifying the moment when the
               reading was taken.
uri         -- A URI or URL pointing to information about
               the location.

Override exception passback for presence.


Return the value of the <accuracy> element as an integer.


Return the value of the <alt> element as an integer.


Return the value of the <bearing> element as a float.


Return the value of the <error> element as a float.


Return the value of the <lat> element as a float.


Return the value of the <lon> element as a float.


Return the value of the <speed> element as a float.


Return the value of the <timestamp> element as a DateTime.

interfaces = {'accuracy', 'alt', 'area', 'bearing', 'building', 'country', 'countrycode', 'datum', 'dscription', 'error', 'floor', 'lat', 'locality', 'lon', 'postalcode', 'region', 'room', 'speed', 'street', 'text', 'timestamp', 'uri'}
name = 'geoloc'
namespace = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/geoloc'
plugin_attrib = 'geoloc'

Set the value of the <accuracy> element.


accuracy – Horizontal GPS error in meters


Set the value of the <alt> element.


alt – Altitude in meters above or below sea level


Set the value of the <bearing> element.


bearing – GPS bearing (direction in which the entity is heading to reach its next waypoint), measured in decimal degrees relative to true north


Set the value of the <error> element.


error – Horizontal GPS error in arc minutes; this element is deprecated in favor of <accuracy/>


Set the value of the <lat> element.


lat – Latitude in decimal degrees North


Set the value of the <lon> element.


lon – Longitude in decimal degrees East


Set the value of the <speed> element.


speed – The speed at which the entity is moving, in meters per second


Set the value of the <timestamp> element.


timestamp – UTC timestamp specifying the moment when the reading was taken

sub_interfaces = {'accuracy', 'alt', 'area', 'bearing', 'building', 'country', 'countrycode', 'datum', 'dscription', 'error', 'floor', 'lat', 'locality', 'lon', 'postalcode', 'region', 'room', 'speed', 'street', 'text', 'timestamp', 'uri'}

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